Pneumatic Casters | Swivel Plate Caster | Barron

Pneumatic Casters

At Barron Equipment  and Overhead Doors, we have some of the top maintenance free casters on the market. Out of this variety of casters, our Pneumatic Swivel Casters are designed for low speed, manual applications.


Pneumatic Swivel Plate Casters are typically used in outdoor applications and work well in terrain such as gravel or grass.

Common applications include landscaping or groundskeeping carts, hospital supply carts, hotel luggage carts and greenhouse carts.


Pneumatic swivel casters are rubber caster wheels filled with air. They're available in Kingpin & Kingpinless raceway designs as well as roller bearing and ball bearing styles.


We have 2 series of casters dedicated to Pneumatic Casters:

  • 90 Series - Swivel
  • 91 Series - Rigid

The series that end in "0" are Swivel casters and the series that end in "1" and rigid casters. Your rigid caster sizes will need to match your swivel caster sizes if they are being used on the type of cart.

Advantages of Pneumatic Casters

Some of the main benefits of these casters is that the wheels provide a cushioned ride, the casters are easy to maneuver, and the rubber caster wheels provide shock absorption and quiet operation.

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