Powered roller zero pressure accumulating conveyor with rollers set high

596 Powered Roller Zero Pressure Accumulating Conveyor with rollers set high

Powered roller zero pressure accumulating conveyor with rollers set high


TREAD ROLLERS: 1.9” dia. x 16 ga. galvanized, model 196G grooved.
DRIVE BELT: 3/16” dia., polyurethane belts. Nominal 15 lbs. per roller drive.
CAPACITY: 15 lbs. per roller or up to 70 lbs. per zone
SPEED: 60 FPM, constant.
BED: 5” x 1-3/4” x 10 ga. formed steel channel frame. Rollers set high in frame.
ACCUMULATION: Zone singulation operation; 24” zone length; zones are actuated using a photoeye
MOTOR DRIVE: Driven by 24V DC Powered Roller.
BEARINGS: Precision ABEC bearings.
DC POWER SUPPLY: 24 volt fixed output required

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