airborne isolation rooms

Airborne Infection Isolation Rooms

Our airborne infection isolation rooms can be built quickly and installed cleanly.

At Barron Equipment and Overhead Doors, we want to reassure you of our dedication to the health and safety of our clients and staff. We also want to give you options for construction that may help you meet the challenges of this time.

We take our responsibility as an essential business seriously, and we are taking appropriate steps to keep our team and their families safe. When we work with clients, we discuss projects and finalize plans either online or over the phone. We enforce safe hygiene habits at our facilities. Plus, we're doing a little extra these days to keep our employees healthy and our operations running smoothly.

Our Isolation Rooms Include:

  • Panel finishes include easy to sanitize fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
  • Modular electrical system includes snap-together connections for outlets, switches, and lights
  • Extruded aluminum framing creates a tight seal around wall panel surfaces
  • Multi-room & other custom layouts available to fit your needs
  • Optional HEPA filtered supply and exhaust components and filtered air return chases
  • Also available with a negative pressure system
  • Non-permanent construction is considered capital equipment, which allows for accelerated depreciation

Custom options and dimensions are available. We would be happy to set up a time to do a video conference call and/or visit your location if possible in order to get the proper isolation room set up for you.

At Barron Equipment, we're proud to distribute this 100% American-made product. We'll continue to prioritize the health of our community as we work hard for you until this storm has passed.

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