cerd20 fire door

Clopay Service Doors (CESD)

Service doors available insulated or non-insulated that are ideal for medium to high cycle applications such as parking garages.


Clopay Service Doors (CESD) from Barron Equipment and Overhead Doors are manufactured from 2 5/8" wide metal slats roll formed to interlace together to create a continuous steel curtain. These service doors are used to provide security against entry or weather protection at exterior or interior openings in industrial, commercial, institutional and other buildings and are available in a variety of materials.

Features and Benefits

These service doors can accommodate most opening and building requirements and are ideal for situations that require medium to heavy usage such as parking garages. These overhead doors can come in insulated and non-insulated versions, as well as fire rated versions, allowing for a variety of options.




Sizes: 30' wide, 30' high standard construction. Large openings to 50' wide, 40' high, consult factory.
Operation: Motors, chain, hand-crank or push-up designs based on size, weight or frequency of operation.
Usage: Standard construction is up to 20 cycles per day with High Cycle Construction available for doors expected to be operated more than 20 cycles per day, i.e. parking garages, sally ports.
Fast Acting Doors: For high traffic openings or where air flow or temperature control is critical, doors can be designed to operate at more than twice the speed of typical doors, or up to 2 ft./sec.
Wind Load: Doors can be configured to withstand the full range of specific wind load requirements including missile impact ratings. Also refer to WindCode Section.
Seismic Performance Validation: Specific seismic calculations can be provided for all doors that are mounted Face of Wall or Between Jambs to steel or masonry. Seismic performance validation is per ASCE 7-05.
Materials & Finishes: Standard door curtains are availalbe in 24, 22, 20 and 18 gauge galvanized steel in light gray, white or tan. Also 20 gauge 300 series stainless steel with # 4 finish or #16 B&S gauge aluminum with mill, clear or color anodized finish.
Locks: Wall mounted chain keeper or zinc plated steel slide bolt with padlock provisions
Operation: Chain hoist is standard; motor or manual operation is optional



White, gray, tan

2-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship



Sizes: 30' wide, 30' high standard construction. Large openings to 50' wide, 40' high, consult factory.
Operation: Motors, chain, hand-crank or push-up designs based on size, weight or frequency of operation.
Usage: Standard construction is up to 20 cycles per day with High Cycle Construction available for doors expected to be operated more than 20 cycles per day, i.e. parking garages, sally ports.
Fast Acting Doors: For high traffic openings or where air flow or temperature control is critical, doors can be designed to operate at more than twice the speed of typical doors, or up to 2 ft./sec.
Wind Load: Doors can be configured to withstand the full range of specific wind load requirements including missile impact ratings. Also refer to WindCode Section.
Seismic Performance Validation: Specific seismic calculations can be provided for all doors that are mounted Face of Wall or Between Jambs to steel or masonry. Seismic performance validation is per ASCE 7-05.
Materials & Finishes: Exterior and interior slats are ASTM A 653 galvanized steel with exclusive finish in light gray, tan or white (available 24/24 ga only). Powder coated finish is optional. Exterior skin is available in 24, 22, 20 and 18 gauge with combination exterior and interior slats being - 24/24, 22/24, 20/24, 18/24 and 22/22. Exterior and interior skins are also available in 22 gauge 300 series stainless steel with #4 finish and #18 B&S gauge aluminum with mill, clear or color anodized finish.


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