edgegard folding dock gate

EdgeGard™ Folding Dock Gate

EdgeGard™ Folding Dock Gates are easy to install and operate and provide an effective barrier for personnel and equipment working near loading docks.

What is a Folding Dock Gate?

EdgeGard™ Dock Gates from Wildeck are folding rail dock gates that are durable, reliable and safe. They are easy to install and operate, and provide an effective barrier for personnel and equipment working near open dock doors, truck loading pits or other hazardous areas.

EdgeGard™ Dock Gates have Wildeck® quality built in. They are available as a Straight-Rail Gate, or unique Folding-Rail design that protects wider openings and minimizes the required clearance height. When properly anchored, EdgeGard™ gates meet the 200 lb. OSHA 1910.23 load force protection requirement.

Features and Benefits

  • EdgeGard™ Gate top rails are 42” high (above floor level) when closed.
  • Available in four configurations to adapt to your application requirements.
    ✔ Folding-Rail Gate: 10 ft. or 12 ft. Clear
  • Requires minimal floor space and is easily assembled and installed.
  • Strong balanced construction withstands 200 lbs. top rail pressure.
  • Counterbalanced gas cylinders allow easy lifting and safe gate operation.
  • Meets OSHA 1910.23 load force protection requirement.
  • Black safety stripe on bright yellow paint finish ensures high visibility.
  • Quality Wildeck® gates are manufactured in the USA and provide a long service life.


✔ Straight-Rail Gate: 62 lbs. (8 ft.)
67 lbs. (10 ft.)
✔ Folding-Rail Gate: 85 lbs. (10 ft.)
91 lbs. (12 ft.)
Installation Footprint:
(Overall Width and Height Clearance
When Raised)
✔ Straight-Rail Gate: 110” W x 143” H (8 ft.)
or 134” W x 167” H (10 ft.)
✔ Folding-Rail Gate: 141” W x 104” H (10 ft.)
or 165” W x 116” H (12 ft.)
Assembly Hardware and Instructions Included
Anchors are Not Provided
Painted Safety Yellow for High Visibility

Selecting the Right Folding Dock Gate

Barron Equipment carries a four different variations of this dock gate
✔ Folding-Rail Gate: 10 ft. or 12 ft. Clear

Common applications include:

  • Dock Doors & Shipping Areas
  • Truck Loading Pits
  • Isolate Restricted Areas
  • Separate Work Zones
  • Warehousing and Storage
  • Distribution Centers
  • Manufacturing Facilities
  • Auto Service Shop - Parts Rooms
  • Retail - Back Rooms, Inventory and Fixture Storage Areas
  • Buildings of Worship
  • Hospitals – Storerooms, Maintenance
  • Schools, Universities, Colleges
  • Military & Government Facilities

Selecting the right dock gate will depend on the size and style you need, as well as the application for the gate, type of cargo that will be transported and the level of security required.


Barron Equipment's team of expert installers would be able to install your folding dock gate quickly and effectively. If you'd like more information about what our commercial installers can do, visit our commercial services page.

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