lyon standard steel lockers

Standard Steel Manufactured Lockers


Standard Steel Manufactured Lockers are made of prime, high grade Class 1 mild annealed, cold-rolled steel. This durable locker will last for years to come. These metal lockers are ideal for schools, hospitals, employee break rooms and more!

Several options are available to configure the perfect locker for your needs! Firstly choose the locker tier you need and from there narrow down your width, depth, and height.

Further customize your locker with options such as either 6″ legs or a continuous z-base, flat top or sloping hood, or by adding a variety of finishing accessories. ADA accessible compartments to meet building requirements or Intermediate Cross Members (ICM) for added security on multiple tier lockers are also available.

Configuring lockers can be tricky, but Lyon is here to help! Our sales team is ready to assist you with a locker quote. Provide as much information as you can about your project and layouts if available and a Barron representative will reach out to you quickly in regards to your request. For inquires, please contact, or call us at 1-800-397-6690.

lyon standard steel lockers

Features of Standard Steel Manufactured Lockers

  • Fully Customizable
  • Durable Steel Construction
  • Lots of Options
  • Made in the USA
  • GREENGUARD Certified

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