Truck Strip Doors help to keep refrigerated trailer temperatures stable while the truck door is open during deliveries, with the added benefits of preventing flying insects from entering. Additional brackets can be placed at different depths so the strip door can be moved.
Features & Benefits
Features                                                                                 Benefits
• Quick and easy installation using                                     • Saves Energy
our exclusive ComPress Rod and                                         • Maintains Proper Temperature
Double-U Mounting Brackets                                              • Blocks Flying Pests
• Standard Clear or Low-Temp Strips                                • Enhances Security and Privacy
• Available in 6’’ or 8’’ wide strips
These Vinyl Strip Doors from Barron Equipment are exclusively used in the back of refrigerated trailers to help with energy savings and reduce fuel consumption. Most applications use an 8" wide, looped-top strip that slides into TMI's Compress rod.
Selection Assistance
Our product specialists at Barron Equipment are here to help you make the best decision when it comes to selecting the right type of door for your application. Need assistance? Fill out the form below and one of our product specialists will be in touch soon.