TA-50 Lockers Quote Request Fill out the form below to request a quote on TA-50 lockers and a product specialist will get back to you as soon as possible. TA-50 Lockers Quote Request Name * Name First Name First Name Last Name Last Name Company * Email * Phone Number * Address * City * State * Zip Code * Company Address * Barron Project Number (if provided by Barron employee) Total Number of TA-50 Lockers * Number of Shelves * One Shelf Two Shelves No Shelves Clothes Rod? * Yes No Number of Clothes Hooks * 0 Hooks 1 Hook 2 Hooks 3 Hooks 4 Hooks 5 Hooks Single or Double Hinged Door * Single Hinged Door Double Hinged Door Desired Color * Powder Coat Gray (standard) OtherOther Width of Single Locker * 3 feet 6 inches OtherOther Depth of Single Locker * 2 feet 0 inches OtherOther Desired Height * 6 feet 6 inches OtherOther Ship Assembled or Knocked Down? * Assembled Knocked Down Captcha Submit Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. Δ