PalletPal 360 airbag level loader from Barron Equipment
PalletPal 360 airbag level loader from Barron Equipment PalletPal 360 airbag level loader from Barron Equipment video

PalletPal 360 Airbag Level Loader – 4500 Lb Capacity – 43.625 In. Round Turntable

Item ID: PPAL360-AIR Categories , ,

Lead Time: 3 weeks

Force your heaviest products to meet their match in the form of an air-powered turntable. Its platform automatically rises and falls depending on the weight it carries. Comes with built-in fork pockets for easy relocation.



Juggling a pallet leveler, lift table, and a turntable can get cumbersome fast. Unify the best aspects of these three tools with the help of a PalletPal 360 Air. Our pallet positioners use pneumatic technology to simplify the process of loading and unloading.

Features & Benefits

Much like a spring loaded pallet table, it can handle anywhere from 400 to 4,500 pounds of weight. Additionally, this elevated pallet table is entirely self-leveling. This means it'll provide a level working surface regardless of how heavy your goods are. Its built-in turntable platform can move 360ยบ, making it much easier to access and maintain your products without unnecessary strain. Some additional design features include a heavy-duty airbag to ensure smooth operation and safety as well as fork pockets for easy relocation.

Despite being a hydraulic device, a spring is used as a safety feature, which keeps the table upright in the event of accidental air loss. Thanks to the airbag, elevated pallets will smoothly rise and fall with every adjustment and keep your products level. As a whole, the design is meant to keep obstructions at a minimum and ensure you always have access to your entire pallet.

For some specific measurements, see the table below:

Load Capacity (lbs.)Raised Height (in.)Lowered Height (in)Platform Size (in.)Turntable Diameter (in.)
400 - 450027.759.536 x 3643 5/8


This pneumatic spring lift table can suit a wide variety of business types, including the following examples:

  • Auto repair shops
  • Assembly plants
  • Agricultural processing facilities
  • Shipping centers
  • Aerospace construction centers

Selection Assistance

Before you make up your mind on purchasing one of our pallet pals, let us know. Fill out the form below and our product specialist will be in touch shortly.

Product Specification

Weight Capacity

Lift Height

27.75 In.

Product Length

36 In.

Product Width

Product Height


View PDF (PalletPal-360-Air-Spec-Sheet-1.pdf)

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